Burger Chef Funmeal: In the Wilderness.

It’s a punch out and put-together log cabin with Burger Chef and Jeff inside along with Daniel Booneburger and his bear.

In the Wilderness: FRONT

Jeff is going to rassle a b’ar, but first you need to create the bear by connecting the dots. There’s a leaf identification quiz, too.

In the Wilderness: BACK

Comic strip with Burger Chef and Jeff meet Daniel Booneburger and a hibernating beer. They’ve got to wake the bear up because he’s the only one who knows the way out.

In the Wilderness: BOTTOM

Decorated with some humorous campfire vignettes and more Funmoney.

In the Wilderness: Food Tray

About Dick Chodkowski

Illustrator/writer: greeting cards, advertising art, children's and humor books and co-owner of Vermont's biggest and best used book store: Monroe Street Books

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